AR Throat Fire

This piece is an altar of sorts, dedicated to the transformative power of tragedy. Sometimes, we have to pass through fire to become the most beautiful version of ourselves.
EXPERIENCE: One lesson I’ve learned over the last few months is that immersive environments feel more authentic if both active (branching narrative choices) and passive interactions (optional interactive details) are present. It makes the world feel more complete and deepens the sense of immersion.
So, I included both types of interactions in this piece. Some elements are triggered by proximity. Some are triggered by touch. Others are based on time. When you get close enough, the eyes open and follow you around (using the AIM function in Aero.) When you tap the woman, she climbs the ladder and jumps into the fire, where she is transformed into a butterfly that orbits around you indefinitely.
PROCESS: Originally, I drew the piece in Procreate on my iPad. I then brought the component pieces into Photoshop, exported them as PNGs and brought them into Blender where I created 3d versions and added animations. I exported the individual parts as GLBs and brought them into Adobe Aero, where I add the interactivity and some more animations.
MUSIC: Headwaters by Chad Crouch

If you’d like a print of this illustration, it’s available in my shop.