AR Musical Amusements

As a kid, I looked forward to the Texas state fair every fall. The dazzling lights, the dizzying rides, the day off from school; it all seemed like it came from a different, more magical reality. Even now, when I see the lights of an amusement park flickering in the distance, I find myself turning the car to go find them. As a grown woman, they still call to me.
When Adobe asked me to create an artwork for this year’s Adobe MAX conference, I knew that I wanted to create something that was genuinely fun. (Who doesn’t need a little extra fun right now?) It’s 2021 and the world is still reeling from the challenges of the global pandemic, so the need for playful relief is even more crucial. It occurred to me that with augmented reality I could offer people the fun and excitement of an amusement park in the comfort and safety of their own home. So, I set to work.
What if amusement park rides were alive?
It all started with this simple question. I then set to prototyping a series of amusement park rides and games in AR using Adobe Aero. I wanted to find different ways of turning these familiar figures into something new. After discovering some diamonds and some duds, I began to collect a menagerie of characters for my AR amusement park. Each is inspired by a park ride or game and they each contain a playful secret. The entire piece has been designed for interactive exploration. I hope to encourage people’s curiosity and sense of discovery.
Can you guess which ride/game inspired each of these early character explorations?

Answers: (1) Pendulum Ride (2) Ring Toss & Target Shooting (3) Skeeball (4) Pinball (5) Swing Ride